Collection: An Eastern Journey: Cult of the coiled serpent (level 6-7 one shot)

Campaign by DM Stash.

Customers who purchase 2 minis from this set will receive the campaign in PDF form

  • 1x Level 6-7 Campaign Module (3-6+ sessions)
  • 108 Page 5e Campaign PDF
  • NEW Monk  - Primal Arts - Your fighting style takes on the forms of the wild as you fight with the spirit of the Tiger, Crane, Turtle and Serpent. Your style changes as the situation demands, whether you require the steadfastness of the turtle or the speed and grace of the Crane.
  • 1x Full size A1 printable map of Sudd Tohst
  • 6x Original Battlemaps printable in A1 size or split into A4 sheets, giving a full overview of every level of the casino.
  • 14x Original Statblocks for a level 6-7 campaign
  • 3x Premade Character Sheets with backstories for quick play
  • 21x Original Magic Items that can be attained throughout the campaign or given as rewards for encounters

December's Campaign - Cult of the Coiled Serpent, sees the party investigating a mysterious string of strange tidings as Tharador’s southlands become a centre of exotic occult magic. Villages have emptied overnight, strange folk wander the land in search of sacrifices and some families have begun sacrificing their children to this new nefarious cult. The party is tasked with investigating and uncovering the cult, and cutting off the Serpent’s head so its followers may perish with it. Though they’ll find traveller’s from the east in their journey, claiming to be pursuers of the cult over thousands of miles, now wishing to aid the party in their search to put an end to the serpentine evil.